Welcome to Fallen Earth, which takes a look at the Earth after it has Fallen. Interestingly, they didn't go the nuclear apocalypse route in this one, preferring a super-virus to mushroom clouds. Maybe they just wanted to keep some kind of space from Fallout, or maybe they realized that everyone is very, very tired of nuclear holocaust. Personally, I love post-apocalyptic nonsense, so I'm all too happy to jump in to this fetid pool. Will I survive dystopia, or will I be a wasteland savage's skin-mask by sunset?
Here's Coriander Sleuth, my new character. Check out those robot eyes. He is clearly a man with a lot of interesting, robo-centric shit to look at.
You have the option of adding both tattoos and face paint in the character creator. I tried to make the face paint look like scars, because facial scars are cooler than drawing a purple zig-zag on your cheek by a pretty wide margin. You can change character size, which I always appreciate.
The collar is Coriander's special Clone Collar, which is necessary because, like all players in Fallen Earth, he's a filthy clone. You can even see the clone pod in the background. A clone's lifeis actually pretty sweet, as it basically means you can never die. When you get messed up by an evil crab, your collar transports your consciousness to the nearest cloning center and builds you a fancy new body. It was nice of them to incorporate some kind of justification for MMO magical resurrection, although the fact that your inventory also gets resurrected doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Still, better than going on a corpse run still coated in clone-juice.
Before cyber-Coriander here gets into it, let's take a look at the factions in Fallen Earth.
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