There are six factions in Fallen Earth. The faction on the opposite side of the wheel is your enemy, based on either contrasting ideology or convenience for the game designers. The factions next to you are your buddies. Here are the factions:
AKA Children of The Apocalypse. With such a sweet name, you'd think these dudes would be the sharp-toothed evil savages with mohawks of Fallen Earth. But it turns out that they're more like neo-tribalists with mohawks. They seem pretty reasonable to me, even if they are the faction most likely to go cannibal.
The CHOTA seem cool, if a bit stupid.
What drugs do they use? PCP for work, shrooms for play.
The adventuring traders. They seem to care less about ideology and more about getting by in the wasteland, which I can respect.
They're big on making money and maintaining independence, which might make some Internet libertarians see kindred spirits. But I wouldn't put too much fake Internet stock in that. For one thing, real-life libertarians couldn't really be called travelers, as the shops in Fallen Earth don't take Freedom Buxx, and dusky desert roads usually don't have Segway and/or Rascal access. Plus, there's no "Drip pizza juice into your Atlas Shrugged collectible fanny pack" skill in Fallen Earth.
What drugs do they use? Bitcoin dust snorted through a pan flute.
The environmentalists. Like the CHOTA, they shit on the society that ruined the world in the first place. It seems the Vistas think the whole "virus-riddled wasteland" thing proves that fucking with nature doesn't work.
One thing that bothers me is that "nature" and "science" are put at opposite sides of the faction wheel, making the Vistas and the Techs mortal enemies. You would think Tech scientists would recognize that deadly viruses are, in fact, deadly. Also, as you can see by the beekeeper above, the Vistas aren't exactly Amish. I think they just got randomly paired off in the mortal enemy pool. Maybe some NeoAmish can be added to give the Techs a new adversary, while the Vistas can take on the First Church of Golf Course and Toxic Gas Production.
What drugs do they use? Pot, obviously. They know from plants and they don't seem to like harsh chemicals.
The police state dicks, cobbled together from old-world military types. Not as douchey as their Fallout counterparts, the Enclave, but still a bit too militaristic for my taste. They don't like the CHOTA, probably because the CHOTA don't invite them to their barbecues.
They have sweet helmets, but I don't see myself going the Enforcers route.
What drugs do they use? Human Growth Hormone to inject into their thick, stupid necks.
Boy. I just do not care about these guys at all. They're kind of spiritual or whatever, and they can heal you, I guess. They're buddies with the Enforcers and they live in a monastery, or some place called "The Monastery" or something.
They pro-mutation (Essentially Fallen Earth's version of magic), but they seem kind of preachy and boring to me. Plus, the dude in the above picture grosses me out with his toeless socks. I think I'll pass.
What drugs do they use? Chakra crystal suppositories
The scientists of Fallen Earth. I tend to like book-readin' types in these games, but the Techs are interested in "Advancing science—by any means necessary," which is disappointing. I like advancing science, but not if it gets in the way of the important things in life, like Nerf guns and naps. Maybe they were made so dickish just so the Vistas would have someone to fight.
I like technology as much as the next guy, so they're a maybe. If only I could unite the warring factions of Vista and Tech. Who wouldn't want to save a panda bear with a rail gun?
What drugs do they use? Amphetamines. But the good stuff, not the shit that's 90% battery scrapings.
Next time, I'll be actually starting the game! How exciting!
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